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Video tutorials & digital resources
How to use Screencastify
Shared by Madeline Pastor |
Spanish PowerPoints
Shared by Jessica Oviedo Jimenez, Calcasieu Parish Power point presentations to help children learn different topics of Spanish. Teachers can change the audio and put their voices so that students feel more comfortable when they listen. 4th Grade Spanish-¿Qué te gusta hacer? 4th Grade Spanish-Los deportes Choice Board Shared by Monique Roberts, Calcasieu Parish Spanish Choice Board template |
CHECK out these digital resources!
This list will be updated throughout the year. Check back often to see new resources.
**Please note that some of these websites may require a subscription.**
Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) Resources for World Languages
**Please note that some of these websites may require a subscription.**
Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) Resources for World Languages
To create materials
Webs with resources
Aprender Español
ISLcollective Spanish ISLcollective French Blog Spanish2learn (con un listado de webs con material para dar clases de español) Le point du FLE TV5 Monde |