Un-COnference Schedule
Check-in 9:00AM-10:00AM (ACDS Foyer)
Welcome 10:00AM-10:30AM (ACDS Multi)
Core Practices Workshops 10:30AM-12:00PM (Classrooms)
Lunch 12:00PM-1:00PM (ACDS Cafeteria)
Hot Seats (Classrooms)
(3 rounds) 1:05PM-1:35PM
Closing Remarks 2:50PM (ACDS Multi)
Core Practice WOrkshops
UN-Conference goers will be able to sign up for 1 Core Practice Workshop. Sign up will take place the morning of the conference. Maximum seating for each workshop will be 12.
Sign up will be done on a first come, first served basis on the day of the UN-CON.
Sign up will be done on a first come, first served basis on the day of the UN-CON.
Core Practice 1:
Presenter - Scott Harris Use the Target Language as the vehicle and content of instruction. Core Practice 2: Presenter - Melissa Monroe Design and carry out interpersonal communication tasks for pair, small group, and whole class instruction. Core Practice 3: Presenter - Michele Braud Design lessons and tasks that have functional goals and objectives, to include activities needed to support and meet the communicative objective. |
Core Practice 4:
Presenter - Tamara Lindner Teach grammar as a concept and use in context. Understand the various approaches to grammar instruction and how to select one over the other. Core Practice 5: Presenter - Juan Alvarez Design and carry out interactive reading and listening comprehension tasks using authentic cultural texts of various kinds with appropriate scaffolding and follow-up tasks that promote interpretation. Core Practice 6: Presenter - LFLTA Board Provide appropriate feedback in speech and writing on various learning tasks. |